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International Paint Products & DataSheets

  • MPC have full range of International’s paint system to protect structural steel and offer long-term performance.
  • Specialised products can be used to solve most difficult issues on site. Please contact us for further assistance.


CategoryChemistryBrandProduct Datasheet
Others or customize schemesPlease contact us for more detail, there are many other coating solutions that cater to various industry or environments.
Subsea, Abrasion-Resistant and Splashzone CoatingsModified EpoxyInterzone 954Interzone 954/pdf
Subsea, Abrasion-Resistant and Splashzone CoatingsGlass FlakeInterzone 1000Interzone 1000/pdf
Temperature resistantSilicone AcrylicIntertherm 875Intertherm 875/pdf
Temperature resistantModified SiliconeIntertherm 50Intertherm 50/pdf
Temperature resistantEpoxy PhenolicIntertherm 228Intertherm 228/pdf
Temperature resistantZinc Dust GraphiteIntertherm 890Intertherm 890/pdf
Temperature resistantOleoresinous resinIntertherm 891Intertherm 891/pdf
Surface tolerantSurface Tolerant EpoxyInterseal 670HSInterseal 670HS/pdf
FinishesPolyurethaneInterthane 990Interthane 990/pdf
FinishesAlkydInterlac 665Interlac 665/pdf
FinishesEpoxyIntergard 740Intergard 740/pdf
FinishesPolysiloxaneInterfine 979Interfine 979/pdf
ThinnersInternational International /pdf
Subsea, Abrasion-Resistant and Splashzone CoatingsEpoxyIntershield 300Intershield 300/pdf
LiningEpoxy Phenolic High SolidsInterline 850Interline 850/pdf
IntermediatesEpoxyIntergard 475HSIntergard 475HS/pdf
PipingUniversal Pipe CoatingInterbond 1202UPCInterbond 1202UPC/pdf
PrimerEpoxyIntergard 269Intergard 269/pdf
PrimerZincInterzinc 52Interzinc 52/pdf
PrimerZincInterzinc 22Interzinc 22/pdf
PrimerAlkydInterprime 198Interprime 198/pdf
PrimerHigh Solid Fast Dry EpoxyIntergard 251HSIntergard 251HS/pdf
FillersEpoxyIntergard 821Intergard 821/pdf

Hempel Paint Products & DataSheets

  • MPC have full range of Hempel’s paint system to protect structural steel and offer long-term performance.
  • Specialised products can be used to solve most difficult issues on site. Please contact us for further assistance.
CategoryChemistryBrandProduct Datasheet
Marine / ImmersionEpoxyHempadur Quattro
Hempadur Quattro
Marine / ImmersionTiecoat EpoxyHempadur Tiecoat
Hempadur Tiecoat
Marine / ImmersionAntifoulingHempel's AntiFouling
Olympic Protect+
Hempel's AntiFouling
Olympic Protect+/pdf
Marine / ImmersionAntifoulingHempel's AntiFouling Olympic Flex+Hempel's AntiFouling Olympic Flex+/pdf
Marine / ImmersionAntifoulingHempel's AntiFouling
Oceanic Protect+
Hempel's AntiFouling
Oceanic Protect+/pdf
Marine / ImmersionAntifoulingHempel's AntiFouling Oceanic Flex+Hempel's AntiFouling Oceanic Flex+/pdf
FinishesPolyurethaneHempathane Topcoat 55210Hempathane Topcoat 55210/pdf
FinishesAlkydHempalin Enamel 52140Hempalin Enamel 52140/pdf
FinishesPolyurethane / Direct to metal / One coat systemHempathane HS 55610Hempathane HS 55610/pdf
Surface TolerantSurface Tolerant EpoxyHempadur Mastic 45881Hempadur Mastic 45881/pdf
LiningPhenolic Epoxy (Novolac)Hempadur 85671Hempadur 85671/pdf
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